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If you're looking for a full-time software developer, I'm currently looking for full-time, gainful employment as a Software Engineer, so we should talk. My name is Barry Welch and I have a strong enterprise Java and .Net background while at the same time maintaining excellent AngularJS/Javascript, Ruby, and iOS skills. Call me: (316) 350-5541
Signature POSTer

The source code of this app is for sale...


Signature POSTer (iOS)

A signature capture app that lets you draw a signature in transparent .png format and post it to a URL of your choosing.

We developed Signature POSTer to be an easy solution to a common problem in web forms: "How best do you capture a signature and send it to your backend server?". Most of the time this is accomplished via web Canvas, where you can use your mouse to draw a signature, or if your forms are running on a tablet, you can use your finger to draw it. But mouse-drawn signatures are not easy and frustrating for users, and running your forms software on a tablet isn't always practical. So, we developed a signature capture app for integration with a web-forms product or any other type of application to allow a signer to capture their signature on a separate device and HTTP POST the result to a configurable server endpoint.

Other solutions to this problem include Topaz signature pads or other third-party hardware, which require drivers and software to run on a host PC to use. They've been a good solution for a long time, but now they're quite dated. A modern mobile device, such as an iPod or an Android tablet, is much more beautiful and fun to use and it produces a great result, creating a sleek user experience.